“A leading scholar says Christianity is overtaking the globe, led by spectacular, ongoing growth in Africa and Asia. These times we live in have been called a lot of things. …
You in Christ, and Christ in You
by Rex Rouis To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of …
Faith is Hearing From God and Believing What You Have Been Told
by Rex Rouis (Or, put another way – Believing is hearing from God and acting on what you have been told. Faith is the noun form, and believe is the …
They (We) won the Victory, and Overcame the Accuser
by Rex Rouis God said that we won the victory over the evil one. How could that be?! Because Faith Is the Victory that Overcomes the World, even our faith. …
No Such Thing as ‘Non-Thing’ Faith
Just as a particular seed is specific, so faith is specific. There is no such thing as ‘non-thing’ faith. God created things and faith for things. Read more…
Reason Can Never Bring One to a Place of Faith and Peace
Arguing with unbelievers does not work. Spiritual beliefs cannot be passed on by reasoning. For something to be believed it must first be revealed to the heart. Read more…
The Jesus Film – A Great World Evangelistic Tool
How do you teach illiterate native people about the Christ of the Bible? People who don’t know the first thing about Jesus – who He was, what He did, and …
Faith Is a Habit – C.S. Lewis
“We have to be continually reminded of what we believe, Neither this belief nor any other will remain alive in the mind. It must be fed.” C.S. Lewis Read more…
God Has Spoken and Still Speaks Today – A.W. Tozer
To those who have preceded us, God spoke at many times and in various ways. And God continues to speak to us today. Are we listening? Read more…