Just before He ascended to be seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus said, “All power and authority is given me in heaven and in earth.” He then delegated His authority in the earth to the Church. Read more…
Take Your Healing – By Faith!
Healing belongs to you and to me. God has given great promises of health and wholeness. He sent Jesus to die on the cross to redeem us from sin and sickness. Us them! Read more…
You Cannot ‘Out Think’ the Devil But You Can ‘Out Speak’ Him
Forget what you feel like and speak the scriptures out of your mouth. You cannot ‘out think’ the Devil but you can ‘out speak’ him. Read more…
Confession of the Believer’s Privileges in Christ – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: When we know what we are in Christ and think in line with that, when we believe that and confess that, then there can be no failure for …
Faith Is an Act – Hagin
It’s one thing to believe. It’s another to believe and act on that belief!When you act upon what God’s Word says results are forthcoming. That is faith in action!
The Faith of God (God-kind of Faith)
by Peter Smythe – Used by permission “And Jesus answering, saith to them, “Have the faith of God.” (Worrell). “And Jesus answering, saith to them, “Exete pistin theou” (Phonetic Greek). …
Making Miracles Happen in Your Life
Most of this volume has been a testimony of some of the miracles from God which I have experienced in my life. When the Word of God is declared without compromise God confirms that word with signs and wonders. In Jesus Christ miracles are NOW! Read more…
His Name On Our Lips Brings Healing – Kenyon
By E.W. Kenyon (c. 1945) – Used by Permission The following article by E.W. Kenyon relates the development of his ministry of healing. Some of Kenyon’s critics, most notably D.R. …
You Can Have What You Say – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: It was not the giants in the land of Canaan that kept the Israelites out, but the giants of fear in their hearts. Our text for this lesson, …
Prayer Is the Transaction – Faith Is the Currency
Think of prayer as a transaction. The trick in prayer, if there is one, is to have a sufficient amount of faith before you attempt the transaction. Read more…
The World Will Not Understand Your Faith
A belief is either correct or it is not. It is based on whether you heard correctly or not. No one else can hear it or know it. You have to know yourself. Read more…
Jesus Is a Person – So Is the Holy Spirit
The more we realize that the Holy Spirit is a Person the more we will treat Him as a Person, and the more He will respond to us as a Person. Read more…
Faith vs. Hope – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: It takes a positive faith – a now faith – to get positive results. When Paul, writing to the Corinthians, said, “And now abideth faith, hope, love, these …
Word of Faith
Word of Faith is normally associated with what is called “the faith movement.” The term is taken from Romans 10:8-10
You Are the Best Person To Pray For You
God can work through others but the person He really wants to work through is you. Sometimes, many times, God will only work through you for you. Read more…
The God Kind of Faith – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: The kind of faith that spoke the universe into existence is dealt to our hearts. There are two things to notice about the God kind of faith. First, …
Why Loved Ones Die After Standing In Faith
So God is the same, His Word never changes. How can these things happen then if I was standing on the Word? Read more…
Praying Is Not Begging – Faith Does Not Beg
God is moved by faith and faith does not beg. Begging is fearful and does not understand the heart and will of God. The will of God is to heal everyone through the operation of faith. Read more…