Does God Have Faith? – McIntyre

By Joe McIntyre One controversial aspect of the modern Faith movement is the idea that we can exercise the “God-kind of faith.” This phrase is taken from Mark 11:22 in …

How Do We Get Faith? – Kenneth Hagin

Central Truth: God has provided the way whereby everyone can have faith. We read in Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh …

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Mental Assent

The condition referred to as ‘mental assent’ happens when one tries to act as if they are in faith when they are really still in hope. Hope comes before faith. …

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She Spoke Her Miracle Into Being

The odds were against her and nobody would have faulted her for giving up, but she did not. She had heard that Jesus was healing people, people just like her. This lonely sick forgotten woman moved the hand of God by the sheer force of her personal faith. Read more…