Christ the God-Man – A.W. Tozer

Jesus_Before_Pilate_James_Tissot-320-webby A.W. Tozer

Jesus our Lord qualified completely to be our great High Priest. He was ordained and appointed by God. He was the eternal Son of whom the Father said, “You are a Priest forever” (Psalm 110:4). He made reconciliation for the people. He showed only genuine compassion for lost mankind. The Scriptures affirm that in these qualifications as priest, Jesus our Lord became the Author, the Source, the Giver of eternal salvation.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men . . . First Timothy 2:5-6a

Let me review again what it means to us that Jesus was born into this world and lived among us. I once heard a preacher say that Jesus was man but not a man. I am convinced that Jesus was both man and a man. He had, in the most real sense, that substance and quality that is the essence of mankind. He was a man born of a woman.

Unless we understand this, I do not think we can be fully aware of what it means for Jesus to be representing us–a Man representing us at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens. Suppose you and I were able right now to go to the presence of the Father. If we could see the Spirit, who is God, and the archangels and seraphim and strange creations out of the fire, we would see them surrounding the throne. But to our delight and amazement, we would see a Man there, human like we are–the Man Christ Jesus Himself!

Christ as the God-Man can fully represent us to God and God to us. He is the perfect mediator, our great High Priest. That is why we pray in His name.


  1. Love that when i go to the throne of grace and mercy, my saviour, my high priest is there pleading his blood saying i paid the price therefore God Almighty can withold no good thing from me. Thank you, Lord.

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