by Rex Rouis
How are we to face impossible situations, ignore them and hope they go away, or face them with an overcoming faith in God? We need to know because only a correct response will bring success. The Bible tells us to respond with faith, because with Him nothing is impossible.
Jesus said, “The things that are impossible for people to do are possible for God to do.” Luke 18:27 God’s Word Translation
And Jesus, having turned His eyes upon them and having considered them, said to them, In the presence of men, as men look at this, it is impossible. But in the presence of God, as He looks at this, all things are possible. Matt 19:26 Wuest Expanded Translation
Only faith is able to grasp the reality of the possible in the face of the impossible. Only faith has the power to move seemingly impossible mountains. Only faith has the ability to look directly at an impossible situation and know that it will change.
Abraham had a clear understanding of how impossible his situation was. Both he and Sarah were way past the age of bearing a child, but God had promised that they would. In Abraham’s heart, the reality of God’s promise was more real that the facts about their situation. He did not ignore the facts, but rather he considered the facts as temporary and God’s promise as permanent and real.
Only a heart filled with faith can face the impossible and still know that God can change it. Read how Abraham had sufficient faith to look directly at the impossible and yet be fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He had promised.
(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who quickens the dead, and calls those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Romans 4:17-21
Faith is not ignoring the problem. Faith is the tangible knowing that God is bigger than the problem, and that He is willing and able to help. Acknowledging the problem is the first step in obtaining faith. Faith has the courage to look at what currently is and still know what will be.
Faith ‘calls those things which be not as though they were’. This is the creative power of faith. It brings the power and presence of God into any situation. Denial, on the other hand, ‘calls those things which be as though they are not’. This is not creatively running to the issue with the power of God. This is running from the issue with the weakness of man. Run to the roar with the faith of God. He can change any situation.
How then do you receive this faith? By running to the Word of God, and by seeking Him till you get the answer. When faith comes, so comes the answer and the victory. The Bible says that, ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the (spoken personal) word of God’. Seek Him till you hear Him. You are literally one hearing away from victory in any seemingly impossible situation.
I need prayers too my name is milcah ,in 2015 ,i was taken to court then to prison on acase of assault i have been trusting God for a miracle and i know he will do it,pray with me since that time my husband left me with a baby though i have job its not enough to surpport me and the baby,July this year will be ruling day am just requesting someone to stand and pray with me for GOD hear and answer prayes .thank you
Milcah – We agree with you for the favor and vindication of God’s power and grace in Jesus Name! Expect God’s help and protection in Jesus Name. We love you. Rex
I was working in a junior post for a long. Now I heard I may get a promotion in job. They wont even let me to deny promotion because I was already granted a grade by them. But the problem with promotion I may get transferred to some other place. Since I am not so healthy I cannot travel.. Pray that I SHOULD NOT be get transferred to some place and POSTED IN SAME PLACE ONLY on promotion
Please am in bare need of help and prayers.I am about to graduate from university, and I have written all my exams except one and I have gotten the results from the rest of the exams I wrote except one which m writing in july , and after doing all my calculations I got to know am probably gonna end up with a second class lower, and i need just like 5 marks to get to a second class upper, and I dont know what to do, I cant disappoint my parents again, I have been disappointing them all my life, I finally thought 2016 was my year where I wont disappoint them again , but at this point I dont know what to do, I cant graduate with a 2;2 I wont be happy at all, nd my parents have been through a lot because of me, selling all they have to send me to school, I cant disappoint them like this, I think am better off dead than alive instead of disappointing them all the time, all my friends are graduating with good marks , why not me??and I study pretty much everyday of my life but all my efforts went down the drain, please I want to know of its possible for God to change my result at all?? if not for me, at least because of my parents, everything they have gone through for me, that will make them happy,
Hi my name is Christine Marie Lee by birth, I was born to a African American- Ann Corinne Lee (Detroit) I trusting in the lord of meeting my biological mother and relatives I know nothing is impossible with God.
Hi Christin! With God all things are sure possible. I pray aalong with you to be able to trace your roots in Africa. But do you any hints as to what country in Africa they are from?
I’m Nigerian and I know that one out of four Africans is Nigerian.
Hello My name is Josephine, and this is my final semester in Uni, before graduation in September, our exam are coming up, and by looking at my course work, it shows very weak mark, which indicate the changes of failing my exam is very high. Please prayer with me to pass all my courses, i believe we are serving the God of the impossible.To God the glory great things He has done.
Jossy do not worry just believe and keep your faith strong! I was in the same boat but did end up doing bad in my A-levels college exams! I felt God had forsaken me and my prayers. However, when I opened my eyes to what was the aftermath of it all I realised he has open doors that no man can shut for me and has kept my dreams alive of going to the university of my choice and on the course I been dreaming and praying to get on
I am Armstrong Kortu Serville from Liberia, I have been sick since 2000 March where I suffered plural effusion and due to the poor health infrastructure in my country, I was treated with antibiotics up to today and the problem has resulted kidney not functioning well. The problem is triple, please pray alone with me for solutions and fast recovery
Pray for faith do something I believe God is calling me to do. Something I think is impossible and debilitating to me that I can’t even take the first step. Even that God would help set things in motion, or something. Doing this would mean the loss of everything in my life including my wife and only child, I fear. Trying to find God in the situation but he feels so distant and my situation is overwhelming me and drowning my spirit. I am terrified and immobilized with fear of what may/may not happen.
I have a 6 year old baby girl, when I was pregnant the father was not there for me,I went through a very difficult time when I was pregnant that I even used to cry everyday. but now the father of my daughter is here for her but we no longer together.
Right now am 10 weeks pregnant with twins,I feel blessed. the problem is the guy who got me pregnant is also not here for me. I last saw him when I was 5 weeks pregnant. when I told him I am pregnant the 1st thing he suggested was that I abort my child (as I thought I was pregnant with 1)but I refused,that’s when he decided to leave me.
There’s something deep down inside my heart that keeps on telling me that everything is going to be okay,that God has made a way already but I just don’t understand why God would allow the same situation to happen to me.This guy doesn’t care about me at all. at times I lose Faith and ask myself how am I going to take care of my twins,am working but am not earning enough to take care of 2 new born babies and worst part am HIV positive. how am I going to provide for my babies, what if they get infected?
Why is God doing this to me?
I really need prayers, I can’t go through this pregnancy alone. I need a better job to provide for the twins and I wish God could protect my twins with the blood of Jesus so that they don’t get infected.
please pray for me,please
Missy, I pray for you right now in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that 1st repent of any sin in your life, please come clean with the Lord. He promises to protect you and your unborn children and the child that is 6years old. It was a mistake to you but not to God. Forgive yourself and those who infected you with HIV. Jesus blood is stronger than HIV and I plead the blood of Jesus and I decree and declare that God is going to miraculously heal you and that this sickness is not until death. I decree that the hand of God deliver you just as he did the children of Israel. He brought them out of a desert land to a land flowing with milk and honey. I pray that God will give you faith that will make you stronger and stronger. You are stronger than you think you are you were able to boldly say this over the internet God will definitely heal you stay connected and read all of the healing scriptures and believe in your heart that God has already done it for you in the mighty name of Jesus.
Hi! I’m Christian Joy Almario. Me and my husband is in a rough time right now. All he says are he didn’t know his self right now. he don’t have purpose in his life, he might lose his brother (whom he didn’t spoke for a longer time for some issue) because of health issues and he didn’t see his future with me. It hurt me a lot and give me doubt on him. Because of anger and hurt I’ve said so many things that may hurt him also and now he want us to be separated. I’ve also learn that he didn’t have any communication with his family and refuses all the care they gave. Divorce is a big NO to our country and annulment may take 6 years in process. Some people told me to move on because he really don’t deserved my love.
I don’t want my life to be end like this with full of anger and disappointment. I have still a little hope and faith on him. I know I might not understand what he is coming through but I still believed he must fight his own battle. We will talk by this Friday and all I want is a miracle that he will still give me a change to wait for him and a change to his life to find the true meaning of his journey.
Please pray for us…… all I’m praying is not losing the hope, faith, patience and love on him. I need to be strong for him.
You article give me hope, that I still have my husband on me. I need to be patient for this trials and hope my husband will do same.
Rev. Prophet, My name is Smriti Hembrom. I am going to appearing for WBJEE(Medical) exam and AIPMT(All India Pre Medical Test). Exam dates are 01/05/2016 (AIPMT) and 17/05/2016 (WBJEE). I can’t concentrate in my study so I did not study anything but I want to get first rank in these exams. Please pray for me that I can concentrate in my study and also can complete my syllabus in 7 days. I want to get miracle in my study. I know that nothing is impossible for God. Please pray for me to get first rank in these exams.
Thank you
Please stand with in prayer for victory. I have a deadline coming up in a few days and I am kind of at cross roads. Here’s my situation outlined below:
I came into work a little discouraged and disappointed about a friend who has been assisting me on a work related project I am working on for some time. True to God, God has been using this friend to really help. However I had a growing need to learn the skill he posses and have been trying to develop.
My friend in question had some challenge he needed me to assist with and I gladly complied. I consider this friend as a brother and have introduced him to my husband and friend. He also introduced me to his family. Long story short is he began making advances at me and I really didn’t feel comfortable 1 because I am a child of God and 2 because I married . I feel if someone makes advances to another person knowing they are married shows disrespect.
So I requested a refund of the loan but although the loan is repaid, my friend has become reluctant in completing the project we are working on despite the upcoming deadline. Now my friend pushes my projects and keeps saying he’ll get to it when he has time, how he is busy.
I felt disappointed because I wish to God I did not have to rely on the arm of the flesh for assistance since man is not my source but God uses man to complete a work.
I am at the point where I don’t know where to turn except God who makes impossibilities possible steps in an changes the tide.
I also from this site have been encouraged not to look at my current situation in defeat but to look at it with the knowledge, faith and understanding that God can change this situation in my favor if only I stand in faith just like Abraham did.
While I seek prayer and God’s intervention, I am asking for prayer that my friend assists in completing the project, repays the outstanding balance and sees me as a sister.
Im a single mother need financial help to clear my debts and to provide my son’s needs. Im begging God to show me the way to survive this situation. God, please help me
Chelvi, Anyone could give you 10 steps to victory but unless we learn how to apply the principles we’ll never see the victory. On this website are many good articles to feed your faith to help you develop and grow faith. The Word of God is the only way faith comes. It is upmost important to spend quality time meditating and confessing the Word over your situation. Begging God will not get you anywhere. Hebrews 11:6 tells us without faith you cannot please God and He is looking to reward the one who is diligently seeking Him. A year ago I came across a book by, The Walk Of The Spirit The Walk Of Power. This book changed my prayer life and my faith walk. It has been a great blessing to me. I suggest you check out his website and read this book. And by all means use all the tools on this website to. I pray you will seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these (material) things will be added to you. God answers prayers as we faithfully and sincerely seek Him. It is the Holy Spirit who helps us in our weaknesses. God bless…Opal
I have seen some request that speak volume to me, concerning some similar situations like I am just going through a financial barrier ,matters not for the past few years I have been living from hand out to hand out .I try not to ask around too much but each day there is something . Plusvi want you all to lift mu son Jamal John before you . Having a fight to fully surrender to I have spoken but now I place him in Almighty God s hands I need a financial breakthrough I am fifty-six years old need cooperate prayer .my car is falling apart I owe alot of people.I feel embarrassed as a child of God when I see them .I am in missions I ask God how can I minister to others in those areas when I myself is in dire need of a breakthrough.
please pray for me to get someone to marry me, I live in Ghana. in African when a woman turns 25 years and above without a husband talk less of having her own child she becomes the talk of the town, people begin to talk n throw insult at her, am 30 years now you can imagine what am going through.. n no man has propose marriage to me, even though am beautiful…pls pray for me my last relationship was in 2012 n since than I haven’t been in any relationship again…i really need your prayers
God is never too late.
I am African too and understand where you are coming from because I married at 38 years old and I am enjoying every minute because he was God’s choice for me.
here are some helpful prayer points and as I also pray for you, trust in the Lord. Look at the story of Ruth and Esther. Is anything too hard for God? would you not rather God’s choice for a husband for you than marry your choice and end up divorcing?
be patient in the Lord and you reward will surely come just like he did for me.
You can print and use these prayer points below. may the Lord cause his face to shine upon you
Lord God, your Word declares that if I delight myself in you—if I enjoy and seek your pleasure above mine—you’ll give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Desiring a husband is neither evil nor selfish because marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13:4). At the beginning of creation, you proclaimed, “It is not good that man should be alone” and then you created Eve to be a suitable partner for Adam (Genesis 2:18). In the name of Jesus, I ask that you would protect the husband—a suitable partner—you have chosen for me. Because the covenant of marriage is sacred (Mark 10:9), I ask for a man of God. Please give me a husband whose love for me is only outmatched by his love for you; a man who will cherish me and build me up (Proverbs 31:28); a man who will honor me (I Peter 3:7) and our marriage vows; a man who will be a good father and provider; a man whom I will be attracted to physically, emotionally, and spiritually; a man who will love me as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). Keep me from attaching myself to another man out of desperation. I will not settle for a relationship that’s second best, convenient, or one that feeds my insecurities. Guard my purity and give me the patience to wait. And when I meet him, confirm to me that he is the one. Release from me the baggage of past relationships, and prepare me for the man You have chosen to be my husband. Free me from any hindrances to a healthy and godly marriage: insecurities, habitual sins, selfishness, and emotional hurts. Dispel my unrealistic expectations that set me up for disappointment. I place my trust in you rather than my partner. In this period of waiting, I will look to you alone to be my companion and best friend. You are the one who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things (Psalm 103:4-5). I will not be anxious, but as I present my requests to you, flood me with the peace that surpasses all understanding so my heart and my mind are guarded in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7). In this request, I commit myself to trust you and do good, to dwell in the land and feed on your faithfulness. I commit my way to you and trust that you will bring it to pass (Psalm 37:35). Amen.
—Evangelist Constance Fleming
God will answer you. I’m 30 years also and I’m not married. But habe faith that God will not bring any man to you but the right one. Have faith and hold on. He will not fail you?
Please pray for me that God hears my constant prayer for the last 6 1/2 years. May He give me a financial breakthrough to break this cycle of need. May He come through even for the sake of my wife and children. May He show us His goodness in the land of the living, before it is too late for us.
Jimmy, Your request touched my heart. I just want to encourage you with God’s Word. Your praying is good but prayer alone is not enough. Hebrews 11:6 tells us without faith you cannot please God. Even though the Lord is pleased with your praying add faith with it. Faith does not struggle but it rests, Hebrews 4:9-12.
Luke 13:6-9 tells a parable that Jesus told. In this parable He describes a man who wants to cut down a tree that has not produced fruit for three years. The man’s gardener suggests to give the tree a little time and he would dig around it and add some fertilize.
I encourage you to dig around in the word and add some more faith (fertilize) to your prayers.
Romans 4:12 speaks about the “Steps Of The Faith Of Abraham”. Abraham received the promise from God because he took steps of faith. Verses 17-21 reveals what he did. 1)He called things that were not as though they were. 2)In hope he believed 3)He consider not.4)He staggered not.5)He stayed strong in faith.6)He gave glory to God.7)He became fully persuaded. I leave you with this from Kenneth Copeland, quote: Live a life of praise between the time you pray and the time the manifestation comes. Praise is the highest form of prayer. Worry is a manifestation of a lack of trust (or faith). No one can worry and trust at the same time. You will have to choose which pathway to follow. Study Romans 4, it is rich in spiritual food to feed your faith and cause spiritual growth. And God will answer your prayer and bring you out of debt!! Jesus Is Lord!!!!
Thank you for the Word Opal! I am very humbled and encouraged by this, God has spoken through you. Last night I slept in the sofa praying and reading the Bible craving for a Word from God. I came across this verses Luke 13:1-9 quite randomly (I don’t encourage this) and noticed that although I’ve read through the Bible I cannot recall this part – something told me “this is your Word”. This morning as I read your response my heart has skipped a beat!
Hebrews 4:9-12 also speaks to me in a way that confirms that God has truly spoken. Am so thrilled and encouraged that God has just spoken to me – I’ll do as He commands. My faith is rekindled, my problems are nothing before Him. Why was I worried when He’s come through for me in the past? Praise be to God! All who read this put your trust in Him. He is the Lord who hears. Amen and Amen.
Thank you Jimmy. Our Father is so kind and loving. I carried your prayer in my heart for about two days praying over it and waiting for the Lord to speak. The thought came to me about this parable. He knows all!! Brother Kenneth Hagin had a saying, Keep The Switch Of Faith Turned On. Stay in the Word, Prayer, and Praise. Two things that helped me is a book by Dave Roberson, Walk Of The Spirit The Walk Of Power, or can call and order his book 918-298-7729 and its free. Another one is Keith Moore- Faith For Miracles is a cd or dvd set you can order and once again no charge. I learned from this teaching how God gives miracles. I hope you will stay your course till you see your breakthrough. Remember, Jesus has already paid the price for your victory its just a matter of hearing from your Father and acting on what He said. AND, this website is the best. It has great articles that can help feed your faith. How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them Who Preach the Gospel Of Peace, And Bring Glad Tidings Ro.10:15. Beautiful are the feet of men and women who give us the Word Of God!! I pray God will bless this website and others….Your Friend In Christ, Opal.
Hi Opal,
Got the resources you recommended and giving it my all. Am breaking free from this level of living in Jesus Mighty Name! God shall make me a blessing even to others as you’ve been a blessing to me. I pray that God visits everyone here in a mighty way, I pray that He sets all of us free. God bless you Opal and this website for the good work you’re doing, Daniel 12:3. God bless you indeed!
Awesome Jimmy, go after God with all your heart. Many Blessings…
Guys please pray for me. I know GOD will not leave me and he will save me. Amen!
Dear InNeedOfAMiracle
I pray God answers your pray, don’t forget God when he does.
Please pray for me as I am stuck at home jobless for 6 months, unemployment expired …no extension, no money, no job , no interviews despite having an advanced degree and years of experience? I also worked with a lady at church cleaning houses, but she said she didnt need my help because she refused to be flexible with me to go to interviews! No compassion from her? no help, rent will be due in a few days, car is past due phone , electricity is past due…i have no gas in the car and I only have 85 cents in the bank. My church knows my situation but I think that they think its not that bad because I look like a happy person and im always smiling !!! I do believe a miracle is going to happen but there is a battle in my mind saying Iam in denial
please pray for me or I will be living in the streets, homless with no comunication…since my phone will be shut off. Thank you.
I am praying for you. Please pray for me as I’m unemployed, too.
I have a question for you and I don’t mean it in a disrespectful manner.
Are you consistent with you tithes and offering even from your unemployment? Are you giving? God’s promise in Malachi 3:10-11 is true and as a tither (10%) not just offering, you are entitled to take your tithes booklet or records and go to God in a petition prayer session. like a court session. Remember he say “come let us reason together” Isaiah 1:18 and Isaiah 41:21 .
God’s word will never return void. may the entrance of His word bring light.
And He said unto them, when ye pray, say, our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name…
Luke 11:2
Ever before we make our request to the Father, His high praises must be on our lips. Prayer must be preceded by praises. There are heavenly gates, and it takes praise to unlock them. The Psalmist sang:
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
Psalm 100:4
Father I thank you for this individual.
I thank you that you are the giver of all good things and no good thing will you withhold from them. I thank you that because they serve you, you will bless their bread and their water.
Heavenly Father, I repent on their behalf any way or form they have acted a way that has not been pleasing to you. I play that the blood of Jesus cleanses them for their sin and give the might standing before you.
Now Father, stand in the gap for this person knowing that they look on to the hills from where their help comes ( Psalm 121)
Father because they serve you, you promised to bless their bread and their water Exo 23:24-25.. Lord rebuke the devourer for their sake and open your store house so they are blessed beyond their understanding.
Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus.
for everyone trusting God for employment:
Father, in the name of Jesus
1.May divine harvest fall and fill their lives in Jesus name.
2.Power and anointing to get the job fall upon them in Jesus mighty name.
3.O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to their job situations in Jesus name.
4.Lord roll-away every barrier to their jobs in Jesus name.
5. Father, grant supernatural speed and favor that their resumes will be preferred above that of others just like Daniel was preferred in Jesus name.
6.O Lord in Heaven, I plead the Blood of Jesus upon their job situations and ask for favor to come upon them during interviews in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
7.I reject the spirit of the tail in their employment and I claim the spirit of the head for them in the Name of Jesus.
8.I claim on their behalves the power to overcome and to excel among all the job competitors in the Name of Jesus..
I also faced with an impossible situation. The bank will take my house due to my non-payment of loans end of this month. I lost my employment for three months but now I’m working but with a much lower salary. Even though I’m a man of faith as I pray for other people being a prayer warrior but I believe God wants me to suffer for reason unknown to me. My problem is compounded as I have an autistic son who torture us day and night. Nothing seems to help. Even friends do not give me any consolation or decent advice. I know prayer can move mountain or faith in God can remove the impossible. Yet I am too weak when the problems is staring you right in the eyes. I cannot do anything drastic as I cling on to my faith in whatever situation that I face now or in the future. Please pray for me for nothing else help even though I had turned to my fellow prayer warrior for help.
Martin, I suggest you get Smith Wigglesworth book- Ever Increasing Faith. Here is a quote from his book: There is healing through the blood of Christ and deliverance for every captive. God never intended His children to live in misery because of some affliction that comes directly from the devil. A perfect atonement was made at Calvary. I believe that Jesus bore my sins, and I am free from them all. I am justified from all things if I dare believe. He Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses; and if I dare believe, I can be healed.
Jesus knows all about your situation. Jesus does not send affliction or suffering. He did the suffering for you. All He asks from us is to believe His Word.
Ever Increasing Faith: If you can believe only believe, you can be saved and healed. Dare to believe that Jesus was wounded for your transgressions, was bruised for your iniquities, was chastised that you might have peace, and that by His stripes there is healing for you right here and now. You have failed because you have not believed Him. Cry out to Him even now,”Lord, I believe, help my mine unbelief.”
Now turn your eyes off of your Impossible Situation and turn your focus on the God who specializes in the God of Miracles. DARE TO BELEIVE HIM!
i am facing an impossible situtation of my marriage kindly prayer i am all confused tensed not knowing what to do at times i think positive at times negative i person whom was to marry gave word for other girl and they are planning to get married in may i was preparing in july what to do can God do this immpossible situation to possible and give me back my happiness i am leaaving but dead so much i am praying pls pls pray
Mary – This is hard, but you don’t want somebody that wants somebody else. Look to God. He will give you somebody that loves YOU. You are worth more than this. I know this is tough but it is not as tough as a bad marriage. Do it right – in God. We love you. Work hard to get God’s peace on the matter. His Spirit ‘leads’ you and your emotions ‘drive’ you. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference, but we must. Rex
I am in the exact situation as you. I love this woman more than my own life. Let’s talk soon. I need you and I think You need me. Help!
Thank you so much Rex, I will use the confession prayer you recommended. I really appreciate your individual attention as well and I am comforted by having your agreement in prayer, for I know there is great power in it! God bless you and your ministry.
God bless you too Tony. Rex
Have you tried praise? Yes praise Him wholeheartedly in the midst of your challenges then you get access into His presence. Praise brings God down and when He shows up challenges are destroyed.
Also draw closer to the Holy Spirit spend time on Gods word and your prayers will align with God’s will which is always come to pass and His plans are d best for us
Have you tried praise? Yes praise Him wholeheartedly in the midst of your challenges then you get access into His presence. Praise brings God down and when He shows up challenges are destroyed.
Also draw closer to the Holy Spirit spend time on Gods word and your prayers will align with God’s will which is always come to pass and His plans are d best for us
I would like to request prayer from anyone who will pray with my for the restoration of my marriage. It does appear to be an impossible situation but I do believe the Lord can make a way where there is no way, I am having trouble with battling fear and doubt because this situation involves the will of a person needing to change and I know God wont force himself on anyone. I am having to walk completely by faith and not by sight as I have done everything humanly possible to reconcile with my wife and now have no control whatsoever in what happens. I do however know that God can change a heart but just struggle with the unknown and greatly missing the woman I love more than my own life. Please agree with me for a miracle!
Tony – We agree with you in Jesus Name. Yes, it can be difficult when dealing with another’s will. The best thing to do is confess the scriptures over them. I have heard people who have been praying for someone for years, and have seen changes in just weeks doing this. The confession isn’t telling them what to do (that’s witchcraft), but rather, speaking the will of God and the word of God over them. God does it. You are to speak to the mountain but not to a person.
Read this article and use the confession mentioned – You Cannot ‘Out Think’ the Devil But You Can ‘Out Speak’ Him. This confession mentioned is based upon the prayers of Paul for the churches. He knew how to pray and speak over the people for which he was responsible. Print it out and insert her name. Speak grace and love and God’s will over her and nothing else.
You ask, “How much should I do it?” My answer, “How much do you want it?” How much is the winning high jump different from the one not winning? One is enough and the other is not. It’s the only answer I can give. We need to be all in so God can be all in.
Also, spend time in the word about your own stuff. Dig as deep as you can. Spend quiet time with Him. It is hard at first but it gets easier as time goes on. It can be amazing. We love you. Rex
Truly God is amazing He is always there for us when go to Him whatever problem we have. We give them all to Him and He is giving us the solution thru His word Amen