How to Face an Impossible Situation – By Faith

by Rex Rouis

How are we to face impossible situations, ignore them and hope they go away, or face them with an overcoming faith in God? We need to know because only a correct response will bring success. The Bible tells us to respond with faith, because with Him nothing is impossible.

Jesus said, “The things that are impossible for people to do are possible for God to do.” Luke 18:27 God’s Word Translation

And Jesus, having turned His eyes upon them and having considered them, said to them, In the presence of men, as men look at this, it is impossible. But in the presence of God, as He looks at this, all things are possible. Matt 19:26 Wuest Expanded Translation

Only faith is able to grasp the reality of the possible in the face of the impossible. Only faith has the power to move seemingly impossible mountains. Only faith has the ability to look directly at an impossible situation and know that it will change.

Abraham had a clear understanding of how impossible his situation was. Both he and Sarah were way past the age of bearing a child, but God had promised that they would. In Abraham’s heart, the reality of God’s promise was more real that the facts about their situation. He did not ignore the facts, but rather he considered the facts as temporary and God’s promise as permanent and real.

Only a heart filled with faith can face the impossible and still know that God can change it. Read how Abraham had sufficient faith to look directly at the impossible and yet be fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He had promised.

(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who quickens the dead, and calls those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Romans 4:17-21

Faith is not ignoring the problem. Faith is the tangible knowing that God is bigger than the problem, and that He is willing and able to help. Acknowledging the problem is the first step in obtaining faith. Faith has the courage to look at what currently is and still know what will be.

Faith ‘calls those things which be not as though they were’. This is the creative power of faith. It brings the power and presence of God into any situation. Denial, on the other hand, ‘calls those things which be as though they are not’. This is not creatively running to the issue with the power of God. This is running from the issue with the weakness of man. Run to the roar with the faith of God. He can change any situation.

How then do you receive this faith? By running to the Word of God, and by seeking Him till you get the answer. When faith comes, so comes the answer and the victory. The Bible says that, ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the (spoken personal) word of God’. Seek Him till you hear Him. You are literally one hearing away from victory in any seemingly impossible situation.

Faith is the tangible knowing that God is bigger than the problem, and that He is willing and able to help.


  1. My wife Tina has filed for a divorce. I wasn’t there for her after our children were born. And I am truly sorry for that. I know that I can be a great husband and father because God has given me the Grace. I’m asking God to please soften her heart towards me. I am heartbroken for our children. We have three. Please pray for us.. Thank you, Chris

  2. I am at a total loss in my life right now….. I strayed from the Lord and I have found myself at the bottom of a seemingly impossible pit…. my husband and I recently separated due to issues and concerns that I had with our marriage. He has always been wonderful to me and would do anything to make the marriage work, but I selfishly felt I needed more from the marriage so I chose to leave, despite the beautiful life and family I was blessed with. Fast forward a bit and I now find myself pregnant with another mans child. I am lost on what to do. I made a terrible decision. I am totally pro life and never thought I would even consider abortion, but here I am considering it….. the child’s father is less than thrilled but says he will be apart of his/her life if I decide to keep it. I am still married and my husband knows nothing of this. He is still hopeful we will reconcile… This will absolutely devastate him. He will hate me forever…. I made an appointment to have an abortion but I just can’t do it. No matter what, I know children are a blessing from God… this just doesn’t feel like a blessing. I am terrified. I already have two young children and I don’t know how I can make this work on my own. How can I raise three children alone? How can I financially support them? I feel so sad and depressed. I know God desires life for this child but I’m feeling so helpless in this situation. I have sinned so much and have gotten so far off track. I’m trying to have faith that if I choose life for this baby that God will provide for me, but I am so afraid. I’m afraid to hurt my husband, fearful of what people will say…. fearful of ho I can manage all of this…. Please pray for me….

    1. If you believe that you are safe and better of in the hands of God don’t have this abortion. You’d rather struggle in life with a clean conscious than be forever haunted by a dark cloud of guilt – abortion is killing.

      You also need to approach your husband with the truth about your situation and beg for his forgiveness. Pray that God gives you wisdom on how to go about this because although it’ll crush him terribly you want him to have an opportunity to find something to hold on to – it could be your undying love for him and a guarantee you’ll never stray.

      Ask him if he can take you back with what you have done and truly forgive you. Tell him you had the option of having an abortion and hiding all this from him but you’re full of remorse and the fear of God.

      Let him know that you know that he could turn his back on you because of this but you’re hoping against hope that he still loves you – even after this – and will take you back and become father to your unborn. He has to know that you’ll never stray again or ever antagonize your marriage if he takes you back.

      I’ll say a prayer for you.

  3. sir iam kakkerla pramod from india sir iam suffering with severe evil spirits problem and severe demonic powers problem in head sir since 2 years iam suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrolagers sir they spend 3 lacs on me sir but there is no use sir with my problem my father got heart surgery sir my wife leaved me sir all my realatives insulted me in a bad manner sir with all this problems i did a susaid attempt sir one person saved me and said few words about jesus and said this webadderess sir now iam in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking powerful poison in my body total nerves are compltly dead and there is no insulin levels they said sir they given powerful injections to activate nerves sir but there is no use sir they did endoscopy sir in my stomach there is an unwanted un dijested flesh is appeared sir it is kept in food with mantras sir they given 12 hours time sir if any improvement in nerves they will give further treatment if not 50 50 chances to live they said sir if my father knows this his heart will stop sir i will catch your legs sir plz pray fore me sir iam the only son to my parents sir i didnt have energy to send message also sir may be it is my fiist and last reqest sir plz save me sir

  4. Hi dear,
    I can relate. But the Lord is your strength. Be strong, He said when you walk through fire it will not burn you, even if you walk through waters, it will not overshadow you. More strength.

  5. D fact is d truth Jesus talked about (trials, tests, tribulation) each one believer is seeing & will see. D reason is bcos we r blvrs in Him & His Word. Brethren sometimes it’s unexplainable, unbearable, but I fall back on & rest in His luv & d knwldge dat He knws abt it all, & has promised VICTORY not just via it but also in it. Faith is God & God is faith. Beloved sometimes d reason it’s always dat crazy 4 us is bcos we disobey His Word in those times by 1st panicking, being afraid etc. Truth be told ur not alone it comes 2 all, but d miracle always is in d choice/decision made & taken. He says “be not afraid, fear not, stand still, count it all joy, REJOICE”. Trying 2 do dis 1st & always will work. Beloved brethren, if we’ll choose 2 blve we can do what Jesus did by resting & sleeping in distress (on His Word) & via it, & speak faith full words peace & calm will be our tes timony. Thank God He luvs me & is 4 me, & always with me. Prayer – In d name of JESUS CHRIST son of d living GOD whose I am & whom I serve & believe, I decree every boistrous wind & raging storm of our lives cease now, peace be still, amen. God bless U all. We r more than conquerors & victorious daily.

  6. Please,pray for me to have faith in God’s promises and provisions.
    Could also pray for me for God to send me His husband’s choice for me;and may God help me to serve and love Him above all.

  7. Hello Everyone, I am here to ask all of you for Prayers. I was working I’m a truck driver. I was driving to make a delivery when suddenly I hit a tree that should’ve been trim 14 ft from the Ground . The top of the truck hit the tree causing major damage to the trucks box. I don’t want to lose my job, I got a family to take care of. They all depend on me. Please I beg all of y’all to pray for me pretty please. Thank Y’all

  8. I. Need prayer I might have to face time in jail and pray god can change the situation around I have tried to kill myself 2 times n ecause I can’t take it any more please pray for me

    1. Author

      Kanet – Suicide is out of the question. That is the Devil’s answer to your problem. Don’t allow him that. Read this article and seek God with all you have – Mercy – Bending the Rules of God. We love you and are praying for you. Rex

    2. Hello Kanet;

      I am in a situation quite similar to yours, it appears I have lost or am losing everything with severe legal consequences just like you. For those who have never been there it is difficult to realize how one could reach the point that they do not want to go on, however the apostle 2 Corinthians 1:8 Paul did, remember he said he was under such great pressure he despaired even of life, he said this happened so he would depend on God and not on himself. My friend we must depend on God and not on ourselves and accept that God has a plan for us that will give us peace wherever we are. I will be praying for you.

      1. Thank yoi it might be prison for life please keep praying for Megiddo luck to u

  9. My name is Juliet, pls I need your prayers upon my family. The enemies are too much for us when things seem to start getting better they come in different ways to ruin that success.
    I am also encountering problems in my academics. Too many problems. Pls I really need your prayers. Thank you

    1. I pray for you Juliet, that that the Lord cover you and your family with the blood of Jesus and that you all be delivered from evil! In the authority and power of the name and blood of Jesus, I pray that you are lead in the power and counsel of the Holy Spirit so that you and your family can move against the strategies of the enemy in the authority of Christ!

  10. I am in a situation that only God can help me on I have no one to go to . I pray that God gets m out of an situation with faith being my calling .

  11. please pray for me
    i have been in the financial struggle for years, nothing that i do and try suceeds. im 23 years of age and still demand on my parents financial.
    please pray for me i need a breakthrough and a stable life, i am losing strength to move forward nothing ever goes my way.

  12. Thank You Jesus that if God be for me who can be against me. I fear no evil, Thank you that Jesus loves righteousness and justice so I will soon be free!,,,,,

  13. Please pray for my son, Gabreal. He is in a crisis situation. Homeless. Atheist. Our hearts are broken but hanging onto faith that God can do the impossible and that He loves Gabe.

    1. Judy – Don’t give up. Trust God and hold on to His Word in Acts 16:31 “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Shalom.

  14. I have a felcony on my background and ive been with this company for over 3 years I applied for a hire position were they have to run background I believe god is a god that moves mountains and I’m standing on faith that nothing hinders me from my blessing I believe god can turn any situation around thank you god in advance

  15. Hallelujah .We have challenges coz God wants to direct,perfect,protect and inspect us rlthat is why there is apurpose in every challenges.

  16. I ask you all for your intercessory prayers please. My husband of 20 years wants a divorce. He is going through a crisis but will not seek help. With man reconciliation is not possible but I know with God all things are possible. Please pray for us.

    1. M
      Hope everything gets better, prayer changes everything. At the moment I’m praying that everything works out for you. Never lose hope. God loves you so much.

  17. Thank you everybody for the inspiration.I truely feel blessed by The Almighty Father.I have been in a dilemma for quit some time as I was sitting for my final examinations in highschool. Most people saying I can’t make it,but My God has been faithful to me,He has kept me safe,He has granted me the gift of wisdom. I pray that God will grant me success in all my challenges.Please pray for me, that God will shine light upon the oncoming results.Thank you all and may The Almighty God bless you.

  18. kindly join me in prayer for total deliverance for my family over premature death, sickness and diseases. thank you!

  19. I would like someone to pray for me please. I have recently been told I have a curse of stagnation over my life. My faith is not where it should to overcome it, and it is evident in my life even today. I should have graduates from university 2 years ago, I was once brilliant not I’m barely getting by. This was my final semester, it came with many challenges and I did my best to remain strong. I am so close to the finish line, I had an exam to which I mixed up the times arrived late and was denied entry. I was deregistered from another because my compulsory assignments did not reach the lecturers in time. I feel so overwhelmed I don’t know what to do. Tried contacting the lecturers to appeal for a special exam in January for both the subjects ( an exam granted to students who have one outstanding subject keeping them from graduating) I however have two. The lecturers do not respond to any of my emails, they do not answer their calls. The main campus is at a town 5hours away and I have no money to get there. By this time they must have already gone away for the Christmas holidays. My mom thought I had only one subject to finish this semester but I actually had four. Two went well. The other two I’ve just spoken about. I’m scared to go home because I don’t know what to tell her and break her heart. The fact that I failed so many times and all my friends graduates but me eats her up inside. She’s an alcoholic and never fails to express her disappointment and humiliation in me when she’s been drinking. It hurts me. Its just me and her, my dad and sister passed away in car accidents over twenty years ago. I feel I have nobody to talk to and everything I try goes upside down. It feels like nobody has my back and I can’t even have my own back because this time I’m weak. I need God to pull through for me and elevate my life as He has done so faithfully for everyone around me. When do I get to be deserving of His favour?! It sucks. It hurts more that I’m so ambitious and have all these dreams and brilliant ideas, but I feel anchored to nothingness and can’t seem to escape.

    1. Hello Bernadette,

      First of all I am praying that all will go right with your academics. God is near in this situation and you would pull through this (Amen). I have been in some similar situations like this and I just want to say that you should remain positive despite your negative inner voice and what your mum says/thinks because we all have our own race to run. Somepeople may go through what you are going through relatively quickly/easierand some even slower. You just need to pick up the lessons from the journey and move on. God has a good plan and purpose for your life even though you don’t see it yet and everything we go through now.may be necessary for our future. God loves you and His grace is made perfect in your weakness (Amen).

      1. In Jesus mighty name, Amen. Thank you so much Seyi, I got emotional reading that. It’s such an emotional thing when you’re in the storm (and have been for as long as I have been) and someone tells you it will all be over soon and the future is bright. I guess I should trust that and have faith in God’s plan for me…I don’t want to cry anymore or feel this huge sense of burden over my shoulders. I’m praying for a Blessed New year for myself and you all…still I praise. May all the glory be to God, in Jesus name Amen.

        1. I was just about to post complains against God lamenting that He has turned His back on me but instead I choose to write this. In the midst of my suffering I acknowledge that there is a God in Heaven and if it is His will that I go through all this for this long He must know why – I wish I knew why.

          My prayer is that He strengthens me – shows me a route of escape so that I can at least make rent, buy food for my family and pay school fees for my 2 kids who are currently at home. I need $500 within the next 4 days or I’ll get kicked out with nowhere to go.

          God has sustained me and my family for a year in very miraculous ways and so although it looks like there is no hope this time I’ll bless His holy name for the times He’s come through for us. If you’re reading this pray say a prayer for me and maybe, just maybe, He’s going to be merciful again.


    2. my friend, faith never makes us to run away from an existing problem, faith never behave as if the problem is not there but rather it make us to face the problem eye ball to eye ball base on the promises God has given to us in his word no wonder Jacob wrestled with that anger because Jacob said “until you bless me , I will not let you go”. Jacob did not stop until something happened. Jacob did not stop to wrestle with the Angel until the Angel had said that truly for this man to wrestle with me this way he really needs his name to be changed. faith enables you to strive until that problem is out of the way. God wants you to be like Jacob because if Jacob had an army that could withstand his brother maybe he won’t have have wrestled with that angel that way but he new that was the only option and that is how God wants out faith to be. depending wholly on him knowing that he can fix that problem. go to him remind him of his promise pertaining to that problem and cry to him until something happens.

  20. Please for my family we’re passing through a tough test. My mother diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, just today they found my 3 yr old nephew a mass on the neck and many other hard times. I have faith i know we’ll get through this just would love a little bit more prayers heading our direction. God bless!!

  21. Thank you Jesus for today, please join me in this prayer request. I want God to honour His name in my life.
    1. My faith in HIM
    2. My threplet should come in 2017
    3. Financial settlement.
    4. God should take away all my debt this month of December 2016.

  22. Asking for prayer today! I’ve been homeless for the past year! I broke my ankle in August 2015 I lost my townhouse in September, had a miscarriage and put into September!! So go back to work and school for my CNA certification over again because I lost it when my ankle was broke!! What’s on the job for 3 months they sent me to school. 47 school started I lost my brother to pancreatic cancer. So the school said I couldn’t go anymore I miss too many days following behind and I lost my job!! Cuz I didn’t get the certification within the time frame!! That was in July, so October rolls around I failed a new job that starts in November only work there almost a month and they terminated me with too many latest! I didn’t have my car relying on other people to get me on get me there on time! So now I found a new townhouse but don’t have a job to pay the rent I don’t understand what’s going on in my life and I got a direct my path

    1. Author

      Katina – We are praying for you. We break the power of the Devil over you in Jesus Name. I believe you will receive answers and guidance from God on all these issues. Read more of the articles on this site and grow your faith. God is big enough and God is willing enough. You will find out what the issue is. I am believing He will speak to you and you will be able to hear. We love you. Rex

    2. Dont panic Katina, although u are going through a really tough time but never forget that Jesu was with you all those time your heart broke. He has has felt the same pain what you did feel in all those hard experiences. Take heart, good things are on the way. God’s preparing you for a better tomorrow. Just truat in Him woth all your strength and remind yourself that no problem that comes in your life is bigger than God. For He is mightier than everything as Jesus has conquered the world!!!!!

  23. Dazzle,
    Running to God is the answer, but as Rex wrote in his article based on what the Word of God says stop saying things like “I have nothing in my pocket”, “I have no means” etc that’s stating facts, but TRUTH superceeds facts. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Call those things that are not, as thou they were. God shall see you through ( through it, not out of it)!

    1. Thank you gina for enlightenment. Yes, some of my wordings then really not appropriate i was just too down at the time my prayer posted. Today, I am facing worst. i believe that god has plans for me why he allowed things to happened. Can i ask you to please pray for me? Thank you again.

      1. Psalm 23:4 Yea,though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ( be careful with wording, it’s the shadow of death, it’s not the real thing), I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

        I pray that God gives you through this testing time a hunger and thirst for His Word, and that you will be obedient to answer Him. I pray He gives you clarity and discernment, wisdom and understanding. I pray against fear, depression, anxiety, selfishness, greed, discontentment, ungratefulness. Praying that His Holy Spirit fills you and releases His peace in you. in Jesus name. Amen

        God says to humble yourself before Him, and He shall exalt you. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what other things are in your heart that you need to confess before God, as you deal with your heart He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins. God truly loves you, and He corrects those He loves.

  24. Im dazzle, i have sinned against my parents and drowned in debts. I am so thankful to the Lord our God that my parents has forgiven me. Now I am facing a lot of deadlines in regards with my debts. I have nothing in my pocket, i have faith that God will save me with the deadlines. I have no means, all i have now is big faith that God will save and never forsake me. I am so glad that despite my situation today that i have nothing to be able to fund my issuance today i felt at ease as I come to church this morning and surrender everything and believing that god will end my debts i sufferred for several months today. Asking for more prayers from you all that a miracle will happen to all of us.

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