by Rex Rouis
The Bible is clear; the only way to receive from God is by faith. God gives according to His love, but we receive according to our faith. In this, both God’s love and justice are satisfied. Love desires what is best for the individual. Justice demands what is right for all. This is why justification is by faith, and not by love.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” Romans 5:1
But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. (7) For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, (8) being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. James 1: 6-8
We must receive by faith. It is the only way. Receiving outside of faith would require God to temporarily change the rules. However, He has been known to do exactly that, through the operation of His mercy. Mercy normally works by grace through faith, but there are times when mercy can act alone. After all, we serve a personal God, not an impersonal force. There is no way other than faith unless God gives a variance through mercy.
“For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. (16) Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:15, 16
In most of the Gospel miracles, faith is either directly mentioned or implied as the reason someone received from God. However, in a few cases, faith isn’t mentioned. In those instances, the individuals called upon God’s mercy and received their blessing. God desires to move only in response to faith, but His mercy is always available.
God desires to move only in response to faith, but His mercy is always available.Mercy begins with recognizing and admitting that you have fallen short and need God to either overlook your lack or fill the gap Himself. In Christ, God has done both. For this acknowledgment to be genuine, you must first recognize the necessity of faith and admit you haven’t met that standard. This lack of faith often stems from neglecting or disobeying God’s Word.
Second, you must truly repent of this shortcoming and commit to making changes. Third, you must understand that your request rests entirely on God’s goodness and grace—not on your merits or needs. In essence, you’re asking God to “bend” His rules for you, casting yourself fully on His mercy. You must be willing to accept whatever He decides, knowing you deserve nothing. Mercy is not guaranteed; faith is. Over-reliance on mercy diminishes its power—but it does work.
The Bible gives examples of this, such as King Hezekiah in II Kings 20:1–11. Hezekiah was healed, but his lack of faith was evident when he asked for a sign even after his recovery.
There is a cleansing that comes when one falls upon the mercy of God, which can ignite faith, thus bringing victory. Ultimately, everything we have comes from God’s mercy and grace.
His mercy endures forever and His grace is sufficient. Thank you Jesus
Hallelujah to God be the glory for the revelation of the Mistry of God words about love, Grace and God Mercy it’s a study that needs to pay attention to if we are to enjoy God on earth and get to the kingdom of God thanks more grace
Thanks very much for this enlightenment, i also want to add that Luke 7:11-17 shows that the widow did not applied faith but Jesus Christ showed Mercy to the widow.
I agree with your write up.
God continue to increase and inspire you more and more. Amen.
Thanks for the great work here Sir.
Recently, the Holy Ghost taught me that mercy is really not something God thinks about after go wrong but it’s something that he thought about doing creation. That is why Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. Mercy is part of the program. Without mercy God will destroy his handy work and then start again or become lonely.
I am very glad to have come upon this site.Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ.
I was lost in sin. I was on my knees, in the middle of an open field, at 1am in the morning asking for Gods forgiveness when I heard this,
“No One knows the extent of my mercy. They think they do, but no one knows”.
I never fully understood what had taken place. Years have passed since that moment in time. I have taken one step forward and an uncountable amount of slides backwards. But this is the mystery.
God has never left or abandoned me or told me, “You are too hard”, no! In His unending mercy He has and does remind me of our conversation and draws me back onto that narrow narrow road.
There are some moments / conversations with our Lord that cannot be shared in a casual conversation but this I know and understand His commandment to me is ‘Go and do likewise’
A wonderful article Rex. I know that I’ve read this before on your site but now I’m reading it again with another “level” of understanding. As I was reading this my mind was wandering through the pages of scripture where your interpreted writing could be applied. God’s mercy, it is a wonderful thing!
Thank you for your study and using your learning to help and guide others. That is discipleship.
Andrew – We love you. Keep growing and seeing more and more in the Word. Rex
Lord I have faith that you will see me through, and I know it’s because of your grace and mercy. All praise due unto his holy name.