Zund_Gang_nach_Emmaus_1877-320-webScriptures Against DepressionScriptures Against WorryNew Testament Scriptures on Faith & BelievingDo God’s Promises Cover What You Want?

Psalm 34:18 – The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. New Living Translation

Psalms 31:9 – O’ Lord have mercy on me in my anguish. My eyes are red from weeping; my health is broken from sorrow.

Psalms 147:3 – He heals the broken heartened, binding up their wounds.

Matthew 5:4 – Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

John 14:27 – I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

John 14:18 – No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm-I will come to you.

Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.

Psalms 30:5b – Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

John 16:33 – I have told you these things so that you will have peace of heart and mind, Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but cheer up, for I have overcome the world,

Proverbs 3:6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 – Brothers we don’t want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep: or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope.

2Thessalonians 2:16, 17 – May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and hope which we don’t deserve, comfort your hearts with all comfort, and help you in every good thing you say and do.

Isaiah 49:13b – For the Lord hath comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted.

Jeremiah 31:13 – I will turn their mourning into gladness. I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.

2 Corinthians1:3-4 – What a wonderful God we have-He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials.

Ecclesiastes3:1-4 – To every thing there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance

Psalm 25:16-18 – Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged. bring me out of my distresses. Look upon my afflictions and my trouble, and forgive my sins.

Psalm 23:4 – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil .for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

John 14:1-3 – Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. in My Father’s house are many mansions

Exodus3:7 – Then the Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying and am concerned about their sufferings.

1Samuel 1:15-17 – Hannah had a sorrowful spirit and poured out her soul unto the Lord……and God answered her petition.

2 Samuel 18:32-33 and 2 Samuel 19 – King David mourned over the death of his son Absalom and cried out to God.
Psalms 22:24 – For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one, He has not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help.

John 11:33-35 – When Jesus saw her weeping ….He groaned in spirit and was troubled. “Where have you lain him?” Jesus asked .They said unto Him, “Come and see.” Jesus wept.

Also, it is encouraging to read about what Heaven may be like in the 1898 classic Intra Muros – “My Dream of Heaven”
Book OverviewRead the Book Here

This book has stood the test of time and has a wide mainstream following. Many churches give it out as a comfort to grieving family members. Billy Graham wrote an introduction to one of the editions.


  1. Hi Pete
    It is hard to forget the death of a parent especially if its happened a few years back or recently. I struggled with coming to terms with the death of my mum last year in September.
    Believe you me…the Holy Spieit is real…divine comfort is real. You need to pray about it….ask the Holy Spirit to intervene and comfort you as well as accepting it happened. You need to move on and you cannot if youre still holding onto the death of your father. I know its easier said than done but trust me…the peace im experiencing is unbelievable yet everyone knew i was inconsolable when my mother died. I hope it makes sense to you Pete. I pray that you find comfort in the Holy Spirit and in knowing your dad is at peace.

  2. I’m unable to think of anything besides my father dying 2 years ago. I’ve always considered myself a tough athlete type guy and I’m lost and too embarrassed to go for help. Im hiding it from my daughter and wife. Plus. Im 50 years old myself. I need some stratigies please



  3. One of the hardest things we have to face in life is the Loss of a Love one, But Almighty God promises in the Bible at 21:4, And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, The former things have passed away.” 1Corinthians 15:26′ God refers to death as an enemy, and says it will be brought to nothing, so God do not cause death, he hates that we die, but he do allow it, when you have time, read the account of Laz’arus, (John 11:39-44) are you can start at chap. 11 of John, verse 35 tells us that Jesus cried, and he also spoke of the resurrection in verse 25′ so all this show us that Almighty God gave life and can give it back, in his own due time, I also lost both my parents and I’m trying to live my life in a way that I will be able to see them again in that resurrection Titus 1:2 tells us ‘God cannot Lie’ There’s a page call ” Grieving for Dead Family Members” Sandy’ I invite you to go to that page, there you can be a member and find so much Scripture comfort from Loving Friends.

  4. @ Linda. I join faith with you in prayers for Tristan”s mother. She’s daily finding help in God, Amen.

    We just “lost” one of our church ministers, a vibrant 36 year old amazing Christian in July. He passed on while on an official training. He was found dead in his hotel room when he didn’t show up early for the day’s session.
    We were concerned for the wife, parents and the church. Amazingly however, the God of all comfort has done beyond our wildest dreams. We have fits of laughter whenever we remember him.

    Lord, thank you for providing the much needed help for Tristan”s mother and family. Amen.

  5. Prayers for Tristan a young boy from Texas who passed coming from church, in a car accident. His mom is devastated and she was a single mom, with two children. There were others who were killed in the car accident, I don’t have names but can we pray for all who were in that accident this past Father’s Day.

    1. Author

      Linda – We speak grace and favor and protection over that mom and all the affected family members. We speak God’s love and grace in Jesus Name! Rex

  6. Hi Jennifer, my name is Rachel. I feel for you. You aren’t supposed to bury your children..life must be seeming very hard right now but you have to move forward in life..your kids are watching over you and you will see them again. You will find love again if you seek it.

  7. My Mother In Law passed on that very same night. Still struggling every day to accept it. Prayers to you and yours.

  8. i lost my young mother on september 2013…..his death make me feel like im lost all my family….bcs she s de 1 one she is de for me all de time.she sick a lonbg time for breast cancer.and im the oone i was wth her all the time..she had 1 child de rest 4 of den born n die afta a week…..wen i left him home going 2 school she was well..bt wen.i come bak they told me dat she addimitted to hospital.das was de worse difficult to me an his child cos im his sister 4 de way i support his mother..at dat day she was at hospital.my real mother receive a call from hospital.tel him dat she has no longer more.at dat tym i ws frm school to study n my mada dont want 2 tel me wts going on with my young mom …cos she saw me dat i cn feel dat de is sothin i kknw..even though never tld me bt my sista told me…dat woul be my worse ay of my never n never go 2 school 4 de whole week..til she come bak from mutuary on friday…dt friday i never stop crying til they put him in his grave..bt on de next day i pray god 2 protect her only child frm every situaxion he encounter til 2dy………,………………………..again my uncle died september 2014….wt makes me nt to forget abt my uncle…he told my bother to tel me dat he want 2 see me before god took her…it was sad cos my brother refuse to do so..n my uncle die..while my brother hear dat my uncle dead ..he start to tell me frgive me my young sista..4 wt i did to you myb my uncle wil stil alive as we speak cosche wanted to see u urgently n me never tel u

  9. Hi I lost my only two children (both boys ) to a drunk driver in December of 2002. They were 24 + 26 at the time accident happened on the 17th the youngest of the two died 2 days later I buried him Christmas eve of that year My oldest died on the 28th he was buried January 4th of 2003 my world was shattered, still is. I still cry as if it just happened which is what is going on now with me. My marriage ended as my husband found solace elsewhere as he couldn’t cope with my grief. My sons were my life. I am lost alone and sad I often wonder why I’m still alive.

  10. Hi intercessors, i lost my dad in 2002 to brain tumour, my mum in 2010 after along battle with cancer (10yrs). I thot i moved on only to be shaken again a couple of weeks ago when i lost my cuz who was the only one who could ask how we are or jusr be concerned over every thing. He was our mom n dad in mortal world.
    Iam dad that he got beatings from unknown people n broke his 3 right ribs, one of the ribs pricked the lungs n he hid it from us all just to see my younger bro get proper medication after being partially paralyzed n me admitted to hosi with my girl who has umblical hunnia.
    His burial is on 21/5/2016. Kindly pray for me, i really need it so dearly. Thanks, Achie

    1. Angie Mcneely
      SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 AT 9:03 AM
      One of the hardest things we have to face in life is the Loss of a Love one, But Almighty God promises in the Bible at 21:4, And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, The former things have passed away.” 1Corinthians 15:26′ God refers to death as an enemy, and says it will be brought to nothing, so God do not cause death, he hates that we die, but he do allow it, when you have time, read the account of Laz’arus, (John 11:39-44) are you can start at chap. 11 of John, verse 35 tells us that Jesus cried, and he also spoke of the resurrection in verse 25′ so all this show us that Almighty God gave life and can give it back, in his own due time, I also lost both my parents and I’m trying to live my life in a way that I will be able to see them again in that resurrection Titus 1:2 tells us ‘God cannot Lie’ Archie, There’s a page call ” Grieving for Dead Family Members” I invite you to go to that page, there you can be a member and find so much Scripture comfort from Loving Friends.

  11. Thank you very much. Those are kind words and are comforting.

  12. Hello everyone. I’ve been reading through your messages and i share your sorrow.
    My mom passed away in September 2015, on the19th. I had been to see her in June,(in Zimbabwe) where i come from. Previous year i had spent a whole month looking after her, trying to do what i do for some of the patients i look after. She had had a stroke in 2013.
    The news was devastating to me when my brother rang to tell me mum had passed away. I had never imagined life without her and never anticipated it either. I wished i could die and go to be with her.
    My mum had been a widow for 39 years, looked after us on her own and struggled to make ends meet so we could have the life we have now. The journey of her life was not easy. Once we started working we all endeavoured to look after her as best we could. She was happy but things took a turn when she had a stroke.
    I miss her sooo much sometimes i lose myself, just thinking of her. Sometimes i dont know what to do with myself when i think of my mum.
    I cried a lot when she was alive, asking God to spare her life so we could continue showing her our love and appreciation but hey, God can only grant so much.
    We lost her. I pray for her everyday and thank her for sacrificing her life for us. I thank God for giving us a mum like her, never selfish.
    She was 33 when our father died but she vowed to stay with her 6 children. Never married again.
    I miss her.

  13. Dear Sandy,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your letter could have been written by me. It was spooky. It has almost been 3 years for me and although the crying is becoming less and less I can still cry as deeply as I did in that first year. I even use to text my mums phone writing how much I missed her. Life will never be the same.
    But at least we both had beautiful mothers who were such a big part of our lives. It makes the loss harder but there will be a time when you think more of the happy times rather than the time near the end.
    My faith and my children have got me through.
    Your Mum is still with you.
    God bless

    1. Hello Geraldine:

      You are right it is spooky. I would also text my mom phone and call it just to hear her voicemail. And the sad thing this is not the only thing we had to deal with. My mom used to always say God will make a way. I am trying so hard to believe that because if God didnt bless me with my kids, I would not have stayed here because the pain is sone hard and I am sorry that you have to go through this also. Because it is unbearable.

      Thank you for your kind words. May God continue to bless you and your family.


  14. My mom passed away August 1, 2015. It was a Saturday. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I need help because this is so hard and sometimes I barely can make it. I miss her so much. I prayed so hard for God not to take my mom and I had so much faith that she would not leave this earth. Its so hard to get up everyday and knowing my mom is mot here. We used to talk on the phone more than one time a day. Now I don’t have her anymore and I need her, My brother, my sister, and my daughter need her. I’m so sad.

  15. Dear Paula, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!! my best friend committed suicide and was not saved either. It is one of the hardest things to go through! It has been a couple years but the pain is still so real and the dreams of her keep me up at night. God will give you peace and rest, He does not let us walk through these difficult trials on our own! ♡ you are lover keep holding on and fighting ♡

  16. My father passed on today. Please email let healing prayers be us. Love

  17. I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry for hers. Even though yours will always be with you until your time, hers has transformed into love, light and peace. God bless you.

  18. I have read many of your stories and they are so heartbreaking, the pain all of you are facing must be so awful, and must feel unbearable. But, you guys all made a difference in the passed aways lives. I know it hurts so much, but time can help mend hurting hearts. Part will always be missing, but it gets easier with time. I promise. God gives you these people here to help you through this trial, and I know from experience that each and every child of God is strong enough to make it through. Keep fighting guys! ♡

  19. Dear Sole, I am truly sorry for your loss.

    We often look at this world and start to wonder what it is that you’re supposed to do with this time we have. Do you build we make we buy we borrow we give we take. I was losing my father I’ve come to see one very important thing in life, the time is precious and if there were things left unsaid to always confront them. In essence the riches of our lives are the families we were born into. Now some may have a Trumatic story with that very sentence, as some families are not meant to have North Carolina for children of this world. But for those parents, for those mothers and fathers who have tried their hardest to bring about every sense of joy they could to their child , Whether through difficulty, challenge, hardships, frustration, whether living in complete financial freedom and trying to but still a sense of humbleness and peace, no matter the race nor the religion beliefs or wants, as long as that mother or father has given a sense of themselves to the child and they deserve the entire kingdom of God. I pray with my heart, through the soul that walks and lives within this humble mortal show that you find and are given all of the piece of your heart. God bless you all

  20. Please pray for my sister and I. We lost our mum to cancer last month. Our dad died 15 years ago and my grandma has terminal cancer. We now feel so lost without our mum. I prayed daily for mums healing but now we need a prayer. Thank you

    1. I will pray for you guys. There is this song along with scripture that i draw comfort from during difficult times. “Trust His Heart” by Babbie Mason

  21. I am truly sorry for your loss. I just lost my father. Loss in any form is heartbreaking. I guess the truth of it is that no matter how much faith we have knowing our loved ones are ok, our lives are and forever will be changed because of one thing, we can’t see them. We miss them. They are with us. Hold that truth close. God bless.

  22. I lost my fiance of 6years on dec 6th 2015&its been the hardest pain I’ve had to bear in a while…..we were going to get married dec 19th but we never made it to the altar,he died right before me&i couldn’t do anything about it……some days I get so depressed while some days I have so much faith&i just want to put the devil to shame…..but in all these pain&hurt I still thank God for his life while he was with me,he was such a good person&i feel blessed to have shared 8years with him.

  23. Dear Lord, please give my mother strength and the rest of our family. We have lost our father and what hurts us is that he was taken away so quickly. He was strong and stubborn and opinionated and at times difficult to be around, but he was the essence of protection and safety. My mothers heart is broken and sad and we sit in anguish wondering why God had called him back so quickly. Forgive me Lord, for I know how many times I asked for peace of my father was no longer here but, but how reality changes, how truth transforms when death has visited your door.
    Forgive when you can.
    Laugh when you should.
    Be fearless when the opportunities arise. Most of all, love each day as if God has given you an hour glass filled with a few precious moments to live. Only then will we find peace and freedom within ourselves and understand that Gods truest intention was not for us to simply become islands unto ourselves, pursuing an imaginary goal of happiness that only comes when you have reached your “until I ”
    Live now.
    Love this moment. Tomorrow is never certain. You do not own nor do you have guaranteed your breath for the morning. What you do have, what is rightly yours to do with at this very instant is to get up, hold the ones you love, tell them you love them, you forgive them and that life is better in the moments of anxt together, than it ever could be in an imagined tomorrow without them.
    I love you dad even though I never told you. I know you loved me, even though you never said it. Your actions were your way as were mine but I would give everything I have , everything that I could ever create, aquire or attain for one moment of having you in front of me, in front of mom and the rest of your children, to tell you “papa we always loved you and we always will”.
    God, I release this pain and this prayer into your hands. To deliver to my father. To tell him how much love there was for him and always will be. God, please give my mother strength and the courage to move forward each day in this new life without my father. All I can do Lord is give to you my grief and pain and allow you to heal me according to your will and please God, take care of my dad.
    His son as yours

  24. Hello Intercessors please pray for my cousin and her family on the passing of her husband, their Dad. She is grieving his loss and is wanting to go to heaven to be with him again also is asking God why. Pray for her faith to increase to believe the promises of God’s words that blessed are those that mourn…… And that earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Pray that the spirit of depression is far away from her mind and that God direct her to the best Spiritual and Grieve counseling persons. Also, touch and agree that she is will over this season of mourning and that she over come by the blood of the lamb and the words of her testimony. Thanks so much!

  25. Me and my husband wr raising our gson for th last 5-6 yrs of his life with little to no involvement from his parents, so he was more like my son.Tragically he was murdered at age 14 in broad daylight across from th church hed been baptized as a child. Not only am i goin thru th worst grief imaginable,but his mother, maybe out of guilt has been bashing & trashing me to any and evryone,and on social media to th point my family has basically turned thyr bak on me besides one sis. I literally feel like Job wr iv lost not just my precious, wonderful gson but my fam too. All day and night all i do is think of him,what thy did to him,and th ensuing aftermath ,i dont sleep well at all, basically fallin asleep at 12,1,2am only wen mental exhaustion has taken its toll. Im filled wth grief,mourning,sadness,anger,regret,guilt and many other things…dont knw wat to do….

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