Speak this out of your mouth. Sow this in your heart and build it into your walk.
Surely Jesus has borne my sickness and carried my pains, He was esteemed stricken and smitten of God and afflicted. He was wounded for my transgressions; He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon Him and with His stripes, I AM healed. [Is 53:4 & 5]
Jesus paid the price for my healing. He bought my healing on the Cross. I will not allow my healing to be stolen from Him.
Who His own self bare my sins in His own body on the tree, that I being dead to sin should live unto righteousness, and by whose stripes I was healed. [1 Pet 2:24]
Thank you Jesus. You redeemed me from the curse of the law, because it is written, “Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law being made a curse for me, for it, It was written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree.” [Gal 3:13]
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” Father, look no further. [2 Chron 16:9]
“Bless the Lord O my soul, forget not all His benefits. Who forgives all thine iniquities, who heals all thy diseases.” [Ps 103:2-3]
“He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions.” [Ps 107:20]
“So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth, it shall not return to Me void, it will accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing wherein to I sent it.” [Is 55:11]
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.” [Acts 10:38]
“Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” [Heb 13:8]
“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.”[3 John 2]
“Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.”[Mark 11:23-24]
Thank you Jesus, according to Romans 8:11, the same Spirit that raised You from the dead is dwelling within me now to quicken (make alive) my mortal body by the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. I believe that you are quickening me now.
I thank you Jesus, I loose the resurrection and healing power working within me now, rebuilding, repairing, and restoring any damage that was done. I loose the resurrection and healing power of the Holy Spirit upon my mind, my emotions, and my body in the name of Jesus.
(Speak out your specific problem in conjunction with this confession, claiming healing and deliverance.)
Thank you Jesus, that according to Mark 16:18, hands have been laid on me and I believe that I have received healing power and I am now recovering. I am in my recovery period, being rebuilt, repaired, and restored to health.
I thank you Jesus, that according to Psalm 118:17, I shall not die but live, and declare Your works O Lord. The spirit of death cannot have any way in me. (List any areas you need to stand against)
Taken from a confession book by my Church Pastor – Faith Has a Voice
Should the sentence not read? I will not allow my healing to be stolen from me instead of Him.
I wondered the same thing.
Hi I would like to ask for prayer for healing due to a botched circumcision.. healing in the blood vessels and blood circulation in my private area. That God will take this life long chronic pain and discomfort away. Also healing for a herniated disc in my lower back and chronic sciatic nerve pain. Rebuking and rejecting the thoughts of suicide or not feel like living at times. Trusting and thanking God that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed. I appreciate and thank you for your prayers…
I am praying for you. God will do a miracle for you in Jesus Name! Rex
Amen! Believe for you!
I need agreement for my healing from diabetes
I’m in agreement with you, the word declares that by His stripes you are healed, believe and receive in Jesus name, Amen. Stay encouraged ?
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ
I am in agreement as well in Jesus Name
Thank you for the teachings and Confessions of the Word on your website.
It is a Great blessing. May the anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ continue to be abundant in your ministry.
Please pray that all the prodigal sons and daughters will repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Thank you.
hello, please pray for my daughter she suffer from depression, anxiety, very nervous,
can not be around people because of noise, she has a very swollen stomach and her
back hurt a lot, she say she need healing to look for job. her husband along with his
live-in at the house took half of what belong to my daughter, she is very timid the way he verbal treated her, now her ex-husband got divorce she lived in a different state with him while married and he had this other woman, he told my daughter to come and help me for a while I’m taking cancer chemo-therapy, as soon she got here he started complaining about helping with the work papers and he was tired of doing everything in other words she was more a servant then a wife, he and this
other woman had their plans, my daughter has no insurance, no money, no car and no job just depression and other medical issues, it’s not because she is my daughter but she a very good hearted person, she never bothers them, she even take pictures
in my daughter house, at the kitchen vacationing, my daughter say that she leaves
in God’s hands, please pray for her complete deliverance and God’s blessing, for the job. no place of her own I help her also she help me with taking for chemo-treatments, thank you so much, also I’m sorry for requesting prayers on the Leave a Comment testimony we need help with your prayers
Comment testimony, we need help
Lupe, you need to speak to the montagne not someone else. Take this declarations like a divine fire arm. And declare them upon yours and your daughter ‘s life. And believe that what you say, will come to pass and you will see the work of the Lord.
Hello asking for prayer for my Cervicle spine, right hip, thoracic spine, lumbar spine… Suffering from Mylomalacia and had Surgery… I was paralysed and learning to walk again… Chronic pain be gone in Jesus Name…
Norman, I am in agreement with you in regards to your healing building up in you,and reaching your cervical spine,right hip,thoracic spine,lumbar spine.I declare total restoration of good health to you,and I say God is your health,and walking again is natural for you;Chronic pain be gone in Jesus name.Amen.
Hello, asking for prayers for the healing of my eyesight, I want God to heal me totally from every eye problems, I need restoration.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ
I am in agreement as well in Jesus Name
The Living Savior Ministries
(940) 242-2106 (tlsm.org)
This is where God brought me two years in advance of my greatest test, and built my knowledge and my faith in His word. That was in 2011, on September 18th, 2013 my faith and knowledge in God’s word was put to the ultimate test I ever had.
God prepared me beginning two years Pryor,
I spend 10 to fourteen hours a day every for two years listening to God’s Word,
These are the seven steps I followed and practiced every day for those two years
Begin our day exactly like Jesus did, (Luke 5:16, Mark 1:35), waking up anytime after midnight,and start making sure that your sins are confessed, if they are not, confess them to the Lord.
wake up way before day break like Jesus did early in the morning, then He went out and found Him an isolated C placewordplace to pray so not to be interrupted or disturbed, I believe Jesus is showing us just how sacred our time is in prayer with the Lord.
King James Version
35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
King James Version
16 And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
And we begin our day in worship and praise unto the Lord, and make sure we confess all of our sins even the most secret of sin, unto our Heavenly Father, just to ensure we have no unconfessed sins, so satan and his host of demons doesn’t have any legal right to us, and that
Do what (Hebrews 4:16) says, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Worship and praise the Lord. Then while we are in the third heaven, from this position in Christ, we are up above all Principalities, Powers, Rulers of darkness, and all spiritual wickedness in high places. From that position in christ they are under our feet, Then you can call satan up, and command satan and his host of demonstrators not to steal one word of God’s word out of our heart this whole day in the name of Jesus Christ!
Start asking God to give you the endless desires and endless cravings for His word, in the name of Jesus Christ! And then worship and praise Him and thank Him for doing it.
Ask the Lord to allow every word that is His word to be planted and rooted in your heart like a tree that is planted beside the rivers of waters , to never be uprooted in the name of Jesus Christ!
Worship and praise the Lord and thank Him for all that He has done and is doing in the name of Jesus Christ!
PUT ON A CD, that has God’s Word being spoken such as the BIBLE on CD’s
and begin listening to them, and asking God to allow every word that you hear that is His Word to be planted and rooted in your heart just like a tree that is planted beside the rivers of waters, to never be uprooted in Jesus Name.
Now this is a win win situation, satan can not steal God’s Word, and God is sowing and planting His Word in your heart.
For those who say the Bible is written by man, yo can not go wrong following these instructions, and I have yet to see anyone who can speak against these instructions given my by the King
I suggest you call the healing Ministry
The Living Savior Ministries
(940) 242-2106 (tlsm.org)
Here is my number
Greetings, child of God.
How is your daughter now?.
Do you have a question and answer site?
Praise God for all that has been provided for us the Lord Jesus Christ!!! We are so very blessed and I thank God for adopting me into the family!!!! I am blessed coming in and blessed going out!!!!
Just prayed for you, Kristy! Start taking the Word of God along with your medicine, if you take prescription medication, everyday.
Read Proverbs 4:20-23.
Also, look up healing scriptures and start speaking them over yourself everyday.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So make sure to speak them out loud several times a day.
Start agreeing with what God says about you.
God bless
Hi Hazel thank you for praying for me and your advice. Means so much. Little by little God has revealed things that have helped me. My healing hasn’t manifested but I am still believing and taking Gods word. And He shows me more and more.
Turn your eyes on Jesus and ask Him to reveal to you who He is in your life. Stop looking at all the problems and begin to praise God for all He means to you . Thank Him for who He is and all He has done For you through His Son Jesus and begin to receive all the benefits that belong to you because of what Jesus Christ has done for you on the cross. Focus on Christ and His power at work in you. He is the great physician that can and will do exceedingly above all that we can think of even imagine. He asks us to believe, receive , and not doubt in our heart’s. I know it is hard when you are going through the struggles but never give up.Jesus promised to never leave us and I believe His Word. God bless you !!!!
Please pray for me today. Anthony I need healing from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. 3’years ago I had surgery that cause serious tissue damage in my right hip and my body started splinting to protect my central nervous system. And a chain reaction started to occur that made all my muscles extremely tight and all of them started pulling towards the right side of my body causing imbalance in my muscles and extreme tightness sitting on nerves cause serious problems. Also causing my Tmj to be an extreme case I have custom mouth pieces get regular massages and chiropractic care each week. But I am not getting relief. The muscles are so tight in my body they cut off good blood flow at times and has caused tremendous stomach problems on my right side. They thought it was my gallbladder but I have always eaten extremely healthy and worked out however when all this started I had quit lifting weights because it compounded the situation making life impossible. They removed my gallbladder and it came back as completely healthy and now I’ve lost a healthy organ. And no matter what medicine says your gallbladder is important very important the loss of it has caused problems I didn’t have before. No matter what I do I sleep with my jaw clenched and thrust my tongue this is extremely hard on my neck and body after so many years of no relief. I’ve gone to specialist for tmj , neurologist etc… but have no relief. I have professed healing and Gods healing word over my self for three years with some breakthrough here and there but then digression. Please pray God leads me to someone who can help me or even a miracle healing. I need it so bad today feeling major discouragement. Thank you!
And they also thought I had diverticulitis but did a colonoscopy and found nothing I then went to Emory and they believe that is what it could be but my colon may have contracted during my colonoscopy and hid it they wanted to do another but I had been through soooo much I could not do it again right away. So really still no answers. The whole right side of my back and stomach hurt and are inflamed. Please pray believing today. My right hip also hurts. And I was wrong about my surgery it was 4 years ago.
Kristy, seek out a good NUCCA doctor. They adjust C-1 of the brain stem, which relaxes the rest of the body.
It is a incredible technique from our Heavenly Father. Believe
I am believing and praising God for the victory over high blood pressure and respiratory issues. Jesus suffered and died for our sicknesses and diseases so we wouldn’t have to! He did not die in vain! I am believing for victory for everyone on this site in Jesus name amen!
I come in agreement that you are not only healed, but, you are made WHOLE. I declare and decree it to be so in the name of JEHOVAH RAPHA, The GOD WHO heals, amen.
Connie again,
We must realize that when JESUS took those stripes it was for every area of our life. I understand wanting a certain job because I went through that and my son is going through the same thing. He also was becoming depressed, and then he started doing things to occupy he thought away from it. Also, I began to encourage him. I pray that what I told him will help you. I told him to go to GOD with a heart of repentance. Then to simply say to HIM; JESUS, I know that I have this job I want, but, whatever job you have for me, show me the path to that door.
My personal testimony. For two years I looked for work in the medical field, which I have many years of experience. One company had a position that was looking for someone with experience in a certain medical software. Naturally, I am so very excited, because, not only do I have experience, but I have over 8 years. Did not get the job. So, I started volunteering with a church food pantry in the same year (2010). In November of 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sept 2013 in remission. Went right back to the pantry. Now instead of clients just coming in and getting food, GOD has turned it into a “MINISTRY”. I am able to give the clients a short word from GOD, offer CHRIST and pray a collective prayer. Awesome part is clients get on me when I go into the day w/o doing it. Others that come late say the hate they missed prayer. I also have the opportunity to pray one on one with them.
I had to lose a job, not find a job, volunteer at a panty and be diagnosed with breast cancer, that GOD would take a food pantry and turn it into a Food Pantry MINISTRY, and the awesome part to it all, is GOD chose me.
I’m sorry it is so long. Please forgive me for any missing or misspelled words .
God’s blessings, peace and favor.
Please pray for me. I’m so depressed right now. I’m having issues getting a job I want. Already tried to apply and I’m always getting no’s. I’m always doing my best and I don’t know where to go. But I know God has perfect timing for everything, I trust Him with all my heart. But sometimes when problems kept on coming. Financial, goals, job, health at the same time, Everything is like a mess and I’m lost so help me fellow christians and pray for me
I pray for you dear sister that the Lord will deliver you from the spirit of depression and that he will opens for you a big door with the best job where you will fill happy and useful. Amen.
Please pray for my sister-in-law Sandy. She called to tell me she has the flu. This year it is really hard on people. She i s in her seventies . Pray the Lord will heal her body and I am not sure if she is a believer. L
For all who seek God s will, which is healing, depression hips ears lungs be healed in Jesus name, thanks
thank you for this powerful prayer of Gods word. i have been believing for the healing of my stomach and digestive system for a long time. i believe that God sent Jesus to pay not only for our salvation ,but also for our healing and provisions. and and just as God spoke the world into being so can we speak his word into every area of our life and it will bring healing, deliverance and provision . God Bless you and thank you for being obedient to the spirit of God
I’m waiting for your testimony here is Jesus name…. Be confident!