paul-preaching-to-Agrippa-350-webby A.B. Simpson

Ancient mythology recognized some union of God with man, but it was a union which only degraded the gods and did not lift mankind. It still left a great gulf between the earthly and the heavenly.

It is this Paul refers to when he exclaims: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him” (I Corinthians 2:9).

The apostle’s secret of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27) is one which the world cannot grasp. Think of it and try to realize it. God is not only a God who mercifully pardons our guilt and saves us from its consequences, not only a God who gives to us a new nature that loves to do the right which once we hated, not only a God who comes to our aid in temptation and trial and interposes His strength and His providence for our deliverance, but above all this He is a God who comes Himself to live His own life in us.

He takes us into the divine family, makes us partakers of the divine nature, undertakes our life for us, becomes the Author and Finisher of our faith, and works in us “to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). This is incomprehensible to our finite minds.

What does human poetry, human philosophy, the purest form of human religion know of anything like this? No wonder Paul was aflame with the enthusiasm of his glorious discovery and longed to sweep like an angel flying in the midst of heaven to tell our helpless race the mighty secret — the secret that God not only had come down to visit men with a message of mercy, but had come to stay and live within them with “the power of an endless life” (Hebrews 7:16).

It is still a secret, except to the initiated. Not only did it need a divine revelation to make it known to the world, it still needs a divine revelation to make it personally known and experientially real to the individual heart.

This is what the apostle means in I Corinthians 2, where with great clarity and force he argues that the mere human intellect cannot comprehend the things of God, but that we need a divine mind to be added to our human understanding before we can enter into the realm of spiritual truth.

It takes the mind of a man, Paul says, to understand the things of a man; and it takes the mind of God in us to understand the things of God. So he adds, “We have received… the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (I Corinthians 2:12). Later he states the profound and extraordinary fact, “We have the mind of Christ” (verse 16), meaning that God gives to us a supernatural revelation of Himself and a supernatural capacity to understand that revelation.

Therefore the moment that this great mystery becomes an experience in the life of a soul is a transcendent moment. It is one of the mountain tops of life. It is the crisis of existence. It is the Peniel where God declares, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel” (Genesis 32:28) and where transformed Jacob can say, “I have seen God face to face” (verse 30).

Have you entered into that sublime, supreme mystery? Have you passed through the veil into the Holy of Holies, so that you can say triumphantly:

I have passed through the veil to the sacred abode,

Where His glory the Savior reveals to His own;

And now, in the innermost presence of God,

I am dwelling forever with Jesus alone.

It is always a mystery, because even to the initiated there are still depths and heights of yet undiscovered glory and blessing. The apostle himself declares, “The Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God” (I Corinthians 2:10).

Further, he prays that believers may fully know the riches of the glory of this mystery. He declares, “The love of Christ… passes knowledge” (Eph. 3:19).

This glorious secret will unfold in ever-richer, fuller splendors till the end of time and through the never-ending ages of eternity. All that we know of it already is like the pebbles that a child has gathered on the shore while the depths of the boundless ocean stretch out unexplored beyond.

Artists tell us that the secret of genius in any great work of art lies in the depth of the painting. Some pictures seem all upon the surface; others open to the observing eye infinite depths of suggestion and imagination.

But the mystery of Jesus surpasses all human thoughts, visions or imaginations. Every day unfolds some new charm. Every experience presents in it some new and living glory.

Like Aaron’s rod, it is ever budding, blossoming and bearing new fruit. It never will cease to be as fresh as in the hour its glory first burst upon our transported view. And on and on through the cycles of eternity we shall still sing with wonder and adoration:

His love what mortal thought can reach,

What mortal tongue display?

Imagination’s utmost stretch

In wonder dies away.


  1. BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOURS ALWAYS As you read this in its’ ENTIRETY along with continuations. May God continuously bless you Richly before you read what’s below and as you read thoroughly and proceed with God’s prayers involving this so when 2 or more that come together in God’s name, He will and is always in the midst moving and spiritual and natural re-cycling His Blessings for His Children and His People. Also, may God also always bless you richly for your righteous good deeds and righteous good efforts towards others that are apart of God’s Family/Kingdom everywhere.

    First, I have Been seeking God for my future GODLY financially stable (wealthy) and mentally stable plus definitely and absolutely rooted and grounded in God and his kingdom biblically attached Husband. Prayer to never not have or be without a nice, high-quality phone with a reputable company that runs excellent deals all the time never again nowhere.
    Prayer for starting my own business in the perfect nice sized city(s)/state(s) where there will be tons of golden opportunities and golden nuggets and gold to capture and receive always with it never-ending with tons of favor from ONLY Godly networking partners/groups/families if that is what God would have me to do in his timing so that it will be giganticly successful and excellency/beautification involved profitting tons of Godly money in multi-millions even multi-billions ranges that keeps naturally and spiritually being recycled to me and for the blessings towards God’s children/People.
    Been seeking God for an awesome high-paying permanent administrative full-time role with full benefits in the perfect cities/states or financial supplemented stable permanent part-time administrative role with full benefits to go along with my disability (whichever is financially best for me just in case something was to happen to my parents since I live with them, so I can afford to get my own nice spacious place in the near future and buy me a new vehicle so I won’t be homeless again in the present nor future like what happened to me in Aug. 2021-May 10, 2024 when I was allowed to come back to my parents house. There was and they still try to use ungodliness from law enforcement in the streets and God was revealing some things to me that deal with voodoo and witchcraft or spells etc. that he was allowing me to find out about somethings from my past that I didn’t know about and I truly believe someone has tried to put something of the sort like that on my life to cause me to not be blessed over and over again with God’s blessings. God has revealed that The enemies are doing crooked things with certain law enforcement officers in different places to because I would have never been harassed some times by them just out the blue and I wasn’t doing anything wrong at all in none of the 7 cities where they have harassed and arrested me at just out the blue and that’s so illegal for them to do that. They falsified at 35 misdemeanors on my record in all 7 cities and that is unheard of anywhere. Please pray by touching and agreeing with me and other believers of GOD that everything I need/want/desire/deserve or have ever needed/wanted/desired/deserved from God is/be GIFTED TO ME & God’s People FROM THE PAST IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE AND JUST FOR WHAT’S DESIGNED FOR THE PRESENT/FUTURE AS WELL OF WHAT THE ENEMIES HAVE TRIED TO TAKE, STEAL, AND BORROW WHAT NEVER BELONGED TO THEM AND WILL NEVER BELONG TO THEM NOWHERE AND DURING NO SEASON AND AT NO TIME or place will or can law enforcement nowhere will nor can never harass nor start mess with me nor God’s people never again.
    Seeking God for a new vehicle of a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry, whichever one he thinks is best and inexpensive with everlasting high durable quality and that’s perfect for me since I have had 2 accidents in 2 accords and my last vehicle (honda civic) got re’poed because I didn’t have my bills setup on autodraft and law enforcement was harrassing me sometimes because I was homeless and they arrested me numerous time for doing nothing wrong and trespassed me from different places because I was going to a couple different cities trying to survive in the streets and I am not a bad person and I definitely don’t belong in the streets never and please pray that it never happens again to me and that this spell or voodoo or witchcraft be removed off of my body and life because the voices follow me wherever I go and it’s the voice of a girl and her husband that started some mess with me a long time ago in 1999 and I hate to even think about even taking a phone call from the guy when someone gave him my cell number and he just called out the blue sometimes and was showing up on my job out the blue also.
    God has revealed to me in 2019 up to now… that this girl (Natasha Morris Salter) whose husband didn’t want her anymore and he was trying to date me back in 1999, her husband, Fireball Derrick Salter, left her and she was told me was liking me and a few things happened that should not have between us by the devil getting in the situation and I hated it all and told him to leave me alone and be with his wife because I don’t have time for the mess. Please pray that God also reveals when they initially started with me, even if it was before they started with this negative stuff between their marriage before I moved to Tuscaloosa, AL in 1999 after graduating from college. It’s like God revealed to me that Natasha Morris Salter and her husband, Fireball Derrick Salter (the enemies) only started with me in the past this way so that they could try to set me up to where I wouldn’t be blessed with my perfect future Godly wealthy husband in God’s timing who will truly love me God’s way. God exposed that they have been lying for a very very long time about them not having nowhere to stay and they have had their own place to stay in all along. They were just trying to trick others so they can try to keep up with me coming around and following me and other Godly people wherever we have went or go minding our own business. In 2019 God revealed that she had someone or she tried to put some type of black magic, spell or hex or curse or voodoo or witchcraft etc. (that satanic and demonic mess) on my life by having her voice behind my back saying negative and ungodly and nasty things like her telling me, she is going to get me back and I am not going to have no place to stay and things like I’m not leaving them and things like she is going to ruin my life for the rest of my life and things like “I can’t stand this B…. and I hate this B….” and you ain’t gonna never find a good job nor a new car and it’s something blowing on the back of my head all throughout the day and night and it’s very very annoying that there have been times that I have hollered out loud at it and told her to leave me alone in the name of Jesus because I hate you and I don’t even know you. I called her crazy, retarded, illiformate, dumb, ignorant and told her to go back to the pits of Hell where she belongs and never come around me again because I don’t want you nor your husband and I never started with y’all in the past first nor at all. The enemies like to play and try to mistreat God’s people as myself, in the spirit and that’s totally not of God and is illegal and wrong and against the Bible. Please email me ( or call me (662-251-7216) to share the Godly counsel and please pray and touch and agree with me about how to sue them for this type of satanic/demonic stuff OR exorcism stuff to where if you know how I can be awarded big gigantic amounts of money for them always stalking, invasion of privacy, harassing, slandering and defaming my name and character, etc. plus trespassing at my parents home and other people homes and businesses and churches wherever I go so they can try to start fights with me, and try to trap me in the house (some little illiformate and mentally disturbed game they have thought of) and they trespass and harass me in other people vehicles that I am in and have been in, in hotel rooms when I am hanging out with other people in privacy ,and other charges so that I can be awarded for over 20 years of this mess along with the perfect lawyer etc. assisting. If it has never been possible to sue for this type of stuff, through prayer and fasting and interceding please pray that God will create this type of litigation in the near future of 2025 for me and other innocent people that have experienced this and still is and never started first with none of the enemies at all and would never start first nor at all with the enemy and prayer that they will be locked up in Prison/Penitentiary for the rest of their life so they can never start with me nor any other innocent people nowhere. Please also share what I need to do to destroy the spirits or black magic etc. and annihilate it and shatter it to pieces to where she nor any others that have helped her or him will never come around me or any of Gods’ children or people never again with this mess to try to torment us because I found out that she has been doing this for a long time and I never knew and they were telling people not to tell me nor help me. Everywhere I go, the enemies try to have something like a black magic voice spirit behind my back and blowing on my head all the time everyday and trying to keep up with me wherever I go and the people that I’m around; whether I know them or not, she tries to be-friend them so they can help her keep being a no good person towards me and she has told and still tells LIES all the time and disrespects people because she is a low-down ungodly person that doesn’t care about no one but herself.
    Prayer for me to always have tons of amazing income pouring into my life so I will be able to always afford a nice, spacious, new, clean, Home etc. place to live or stay on my own to be a blessing to certain ones in the Body of Christ as needed and the place be very inexpensive always and Gifted to me ALWAYS and forever AND NEVER BE HOMELESS AGAIN.
    Lastly, Prayer to always have a NEW sharp, nice, high-quality, spacious, clean, minor-n-major breakdown or mechanical issues FREE OF for my vehicles always everywhere and never be vehiclefuless AGAIN. Prayer for God’s best choices for me to always be able to afford a Big Nice Spacious clean SUV and same thing for a car and they both always be very inexpensive and Gifted to me always.

  2. Truly the whole gospel is Christ as my redeemer and Christ as my life. When I first saw this truth I knew that I was set free.

  3. The fact is that TRUE CHRIST LIFE BEGINS when the truth of ‘Christ in you’ dawns and becomes real to the believer. it is the beginning of christianity – christ living life for me

  4. Francois du Toit: Jesus Christ is infinitely more than an historic Hero; He is both the mirror image of an invisible God and at the same time the reflection and blueprint of every person’s original design. His life, death and resurrection represent the human race, preserved and revealed in the most documented ancient record and confirmed in our faith. Visit for great revelation and Free MP3 downloads. Jesus is alive and so are we !

  5. one of the deepest mystery the human senses cannot grasp is ‘christ in you the hope of glory’. this tells us our position and stand in Him. it is knowing we are His glory(presence)now!

  6. I know what I know today. There will be more in the eternity of tomorrows.

    Dear Christian, be a Christian every second of everyday. Let the atmosphere hear your testimony.

    Take Heaven by Storm…….Thomas Whatson

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